
Browse the programme to see what’s on offer.
Early release content will be available to watch from 7 November 2024. All sessions will be individually CPD accredited.

Audiovestibular medicine

Speakers will discuss tinnitus and the differentional diagnosis of dizziness.
Speaker Dr Arun Pajaniappane
Dr Arun Pajaniappane
Speaker Dr Roohi Shrivastava
Dr Roohi Shrivastava

Rehabilitation medicine

Our panel of experts will explore rehabilitation following stroke, updates in cerebal palsy and the role of physicians in relation to multisystem long term conditions.
Speaker Dr Javvad Haider
Dr Javvad Haider
Consultant in rehabilitation medicine, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
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Updates in spasticity management

Speaker Dr Meena Nayar
Dr Meena Nayar
Speaker Professor K P Sivaraman Nair
Professor K P Sivaraman Nair
Consultant neurologist, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
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Adults with cerebral palsy: what general physicians need to know

Nuclear medicine

Speakers will discuss advancements in diagnostic nuclear medicine and therapeutic uses.
Speaker Professor Sabina Dizdarevic
Professor Sabina Dizdarevic
Speaker Dr Vineet Pant
Dr Vineet Pant
Specialist in nuclear medicine, Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
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Advances in therapeutic nuclear medicine Lu DOTA & PSMA therapies

Speaker Professor Sobhan Vinjamuri
Professor Sobhan Vinjamuri
Lead consultant in nuclear medicine, Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
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Functional brain imaging with radionuclides

Allergy and immunology

Speaker Dr Louise Savic
Dr Louise Savic
Consultant anaesthetist, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
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Penicillin allergy – barriers and enablers to delabelling by the general physician

Clinical neurophysiology

Speaker Dr Jeremy D P Bland
Dr Jeremy D P Bland
Consultant in clinical neurophysiology, East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
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Carpal tunnel syndrome

Speaker Dr Gareth Payne
Dr Gareth Payne

Sleep medicine

Speaker Dr Shruthi Konda
Dr Shruthi Konda
Consultant respiratory physician, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Speaker Professor Joerg Steir
Professor Joerg Steir
Speaker Professor Malcolm von Schantz
Professor Malcolm von Schantz
The below sessions will take place live on the 2 day event. All content will be published on demand shortly after they have been broadcast. 
8:30am BST - Registration
9:30am BST
9:30am – 9:35am

Opening welcome

If you’re attending in person: Wolfson theatre

9:35am BST
9:35am – 10:45am

Opening keynote

The conference will open with a keynote from a leader in the medical profession.

If you’re attending in person: Wolfson theatre

Speaker Dr Gavin Francis
Dr Gavin Francis
GP and writer, University of Edinburgh
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Free for all: why the NHS is worth saving

10:45am BST - Comfort break
11:15am BST
11:15am – 12:45pm

Acute medicine

This session will discuss updates in acute medicine.

If you’re attending in person: Wolfson theatre

Speaker Dr Ragit Varia
Dr Ragit Varia
Consultant acute medicine, Mersey and West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
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SDEC: thinking differently!

Speaker Dr Barbara Lachana Onen
Dr Barbara Lachana Onen
Acute and general internal medicine consultant | medical SDEC lead, Royal London Hospital | Barts Health NHS Trust
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Nitrous oxide related neurological harm managed through Same Day Emergency Care

Speaker Dr Nick Murch
Dr Nick Murch
Consultant physician and president, Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust, Society for Acute Medicine
Speaker Dr Latif Rahman
Dr Latif Rahman
Consultant, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust
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Point of care ultrasound: pushing the boundaries

11:15am – 12:45pm


Developed with the British Society of Gastroenterology this session will explore management of acute colitis and c-difficile, share approaches to deranged LFTs and discuss how to improve outcomes for decompensated liver disease.

If you’re attending in person: Seligman theatre

Speaker Dr Roisin Bevan
Dr Roisin Bevan
Consultant gastroenterologist, North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust
Speaker Dr Ricia Gwenter
Dr Ricia Gwenter
ST5 gastroenterology registrar, University Hospital Southampton
Speaker Professor Anjan Dhar
Professor Anjan Dhar
Professor of medicine and consultant gastroenterologist, County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust
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How to manage Cloistridioides difficile diarrhoea

Speaker Professor Debbie Shawcross
Professor Debbie Shawcross
Professor of hepatology and chronic liver failure, King's College London
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Approach to deranged liver biochemistry tests

Speaker Dr Kamal Patel
Dr Kamal Patel
Consultant gastroenterologist, St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
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How to manage acute colitis

11:15am – 12:45pm

Infectious disease and tropical medicine

This session will provide key clinical updates in infectious diseases and tropical medicine.

If you’re attending in person: Dorchester library

12:45pm BST - Lunch
1:15pm BST
1:15pm – 1:45pm

Sponsored symposium

Join us for an industry-led interactive session. This session will not be CPD accredited.

If you’re attending in person: Wolfson theatre

1:15pm – 1:45pm

Sponsored symposium

Join us for an industry-led interactive session. This session will not be CPD accredited.

If you’re attending in person: Seligman theatre

1:15pm – 1:45pm

Sponsored symposium

Join us for an industry-led interactive session. This session will not be CPD accredited.

If you’re attending in person: Dorchester library

1:45pm BST - Lunch continued
2:15pm BST
2:15pm – 3:45pm


This session, developed with the Association of British Neurologists, will look at the management of intracranial haemorrhage and headache on the acute take.  It will also explore new treatments for dementia and discuss assessment of gait disorders. 

If you’re attending in person: Wolfson theatre

Speaker Professor Adrian Parry Jones
Professor Adrian Parry Jones
Professor of vascular neurology, The University of Manchester
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Management of intracranial haemorrhage

Speaker Dr Matthew Jones
Dr Matthew Jones
Consultant neurologist, Northern Care Alliance
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New treatments for dementia

Speaker Dr Duncan Street
Dr Duncan Street
Specialty registrar, University Hospitals Birmingham
2:15pm – 3:45pm


This session will explore the management of respiratory conditions commonly seen on the acute take.

If you’re attending in person: Seligman theatre

2:15pm – 3:45pm


Developed with the British Association of Dermatologists this session will highlight key dermatological emergency presentations in skin of colour, highlight what the physician needs to know about skin cancer and discuss AI and dermatology perspectives.

If you’re attending in person: Dorchester library

Speaker Dr Mary Sommerlad
Dr Mary Sommerlad
Consultant dermatologist, Homerton Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
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Dermatology: emergency presentations in skin of colour

Speaker Dr Chris Bower
Dr Chris Bower
Speaker Dr Beibei Du-Harpur
Dr Beibei Du-Harpur
NIHR academic clinical lecturer in dermatology, King's College London
3:45pm BST - Comfort break
4:15pm BST
4:15pm – 5:45pm


This session will explore management of cardiac conditions commonly seen by the general physician.

If you’re attending in person: Wolfson theatre

4:15pm – 5:45pm

Stroke medicine

This session will provide the latest updates in stroke management.

If you’re attending in person: Seligman theatre

Speaker Dr Soma Banerjee
Dr Soma Banerjee
4:15pm – 5:45pm

Palliative medicine

Developed by the RCPs JSC for Palliative Medicine, this session will provide an insight into the challenges and opportunities faced by the palliative care registrar on the acute take. It will also explore opioid toxicity and how to distinguish it from natural dying as well as discussing how best to set and communicate ceilings of treatment.

If you’re attending in person: Dorchester library

Speaker Dr David Brooks
Dr David Brooks
Macmillan consultant in palliative medicine, Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Speaker Dr Rachel Clingan
Dr Rachel Clingan
ST6 palliative medicine, Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust
Speaker Dr Emily Holdsworth
Dr Emily Holdsworth
Palliative and internal medicine SpR, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
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Setting and communicating ceilings of treatment

Speaker Dr Sarah Foot
Dr Sarah Foot
Palliative medicine trainee, Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust
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The palliative medicine registrar on the acute take – challenges and opportunities

Speaker Dr Jason Boland
Dr Jason Boland
Professor and honorary consultant in palliative medicine, Hull York Medical School
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Opioid toxicity – how to distinguish from natural dying and how to manage it

5:45pm BST

Networking reception

In person delegates can look forward to an evening reception on the first day. Enjoy food and drinks while catching up and networking with colleagues.

If you’re attending in person: Osler room

7:00pm BST - End of day 1
The below sessions will take place live on the 2 day event. All content will be published on demand shortly after they have been broadcast.
8:30am BST - Registration
9:00am BST
9:00am – 10:30am

Treating tobacco dependency

Alongside the British Thoracic Society and RCP special adviser on tobacco, Professor Sanjay Agrawal, this session will include a statement from the BTS on tobacco dependency, highlight the treatment bundles available through NCSCT, share latest updates on the use of e-cigarettes and discuss pharmacotherapies.

If you’re attending in person: Wolfson theatre

Speaker Professor Sanjay Agrawal
Professor Sanjay Agrawal
Consultant in respiratory and intensive care medicine, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust
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Speaker Dr Louise Restrick
Dr Louise Restrick
Integrated consultant respiratory physician, Whittington Health NHS Trust
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Tobacco dependency – the medical management of inpatients with tobacco dependency

Speaker Jacqui Pollington
Jacqui Pollington
Respiratory nurse consultant, The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust
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The BTS clinical statement on the medical management of tobacco dependency for hospital clinicians

Speaker Professor Matthew Evison
Professor Matthew Evison
Speaker Arran Woodhouse
Arran Woodhouse
Lead tobacco dependence specialist, Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
9:00am – 10:30am

Diabetes and endocrinology

This session, developed with the Association of British Clinical Diabetologists, will provide an update on global guidelines on the management of hyperglycaemic emergencies and the management of diabetes and hyperglycaemia at the front door. It will also provide insights into adrenal insufficiency and hyponatraemia for the generalist.

If you’re attending in person: Seligman theatre

Speaker Dr Shiva Misra
Dr Shiva Misra
Speaker Professor Ketan Dhatariya
Professor Ketan Dhatariya
Consultant in diabetes and endocrinology and honorary professor of medicine, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
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Management of diabetes and hyperglycaemia at the front door

Speaker Dr Helen Simpson
Dr Helen Simpson
Consultant endocrinologist, University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
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Adrenal insufficiency – what is NICE for the non-endocrinologist to know

Speaker Dr Narendra Reddy
Dr Narendra Reddy
Consultant endocrinologist, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust
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Do's and don'ts in hyponatraemia management

9:00am – 10:30am

Renal medicine

This session will provide an update in renal medicine for the general physician.

If you’re attending in person: Dorchester library

Speaker Dr Rupert Major
Dr Rupert Major
Clinical associate professor and honorary consultant nephrologist, University of Leicester and University Hospital of Leicester NHS Trust
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What’s new in the ‘most boring topic in medicine'?

Speaker Amy Needleman
Amy Needleman
Speaker Dr Kristin Veighey
Dr Kristin Veighey
NIHR academic clinical fellow in general practice, University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust
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AKI and CKD for the non-nephrologist

Speaker Yusuf Jinadu
Yusuf Jinadu
Speaker Fiona Loud
Fiona Loud
Policy director, Kidney Care UK
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Let's talk kidneys

10:30am BST - Comfort break
11:00am BST
11:00am – 12:30pm


This session will discuss latest updates in geriatric medicine.

If you’re attending in person: Wolfson theatre

Speaker Dr Dan Furmedge
Dr Dan Furmedge
Consultant physician in geriatric and internal medicine, IMT Stage 1 TPD, RCP censor, honorary senior clinical lecturer, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
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Doing falls well – falls for the internist

Speaker Dr Elena Mucci
Dr Elena Mucci
Consultant geriatrician, East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
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So many medicine, deprescribing in patients with falls: practical tools for everyday use | A geriatrician’s tale: not enough medicine

11:00am – 12:30pm


Alongside the British Society for Haematology this session will discuss management of sickle cell disease and the appropriate use of blood components. It will also explore diagnostic work up for suspected haematological malignancy and investigate thrombocytopenia.

If you’re attending in person: Seligman theatre

Speaker Dr Norris Igbineweka
Dr Norris Igbineweka
Specialist registrar haematology and clinical research PhD fellow in haematology, King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
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Management of sickle cell disease: progress or crises

Speaker Dr Anita Arasaretnam
Dr Anita Arasaretnam
Consultant haematologist, University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust
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Diagnostic work up for suspected haematological malignancy

Speaker Dr Michael Desborough
Dr Michael Desborough
Consultant haematologist, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
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Investigation of thrombocytopenia

Speaker Dr Sarah Wheeldon
Dr Sarah Wheeldon
ST7 haematology registrar, Royal Devon and Exeter University Healthcare Foundation Trust
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The appropriate use of blood components and patient blood management

11:00am – 12:30pm


This session will provide an update in genito-urinary conditions commonly presented to the generalist.

If you’re attending in person: Dorchester library

Speaker Dr Liberty-Isabelle Todd
Dr Liberty-Isabelle Todd
IMT 1 doctor, University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust
Speaker Professor Margaret Kingston
Professor Margaret Kingston
Consultant physician, Manchester Royal Infirmary
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Syphilis for the general medic

Speaker Dr Elizabeth Okecha
Dr Elizabeth Okecha
Consultant in GUM and HIV | clinical lead, St Helens Sexual Health | Mersey and West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
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Prevention methods in GUM clinics

Speaker Dr Joseph Heskin
Dr Joseph Heskin
Consultant in genitourinary and HIV medicine, Chelsea and Westminster NHS Foundation Trust
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Mpox – an unexpected outbreak

12:30pm BST - Lunch
1:00pm BST
1:00pm – 1:30pm

Sponsored symposium

Join us for an industry-led interactive session. This session will not be CPD accredited.

If you’re attending in person: Wolfson theatre

1:00pm – 1:30pm

Sponsored symposium

Join us for an industry-led interactive session. This session will not be CPD accredited.

If you’re attending in person: Seligman theatre

1:00pm – 1:30pm

Sponsored symposium

Join us for an industry-led interactive session. This session will not be CPD accredited.

If you’re attending in person: Dorchester library

1:30pm BST - Lunch continued
2:00pm BST
2:00pm – 3:30pm


Developed with the British Society for Rheumatology this session will discuss how to approach the raised creatine kinase in acute medical take, HLH fever and high ferritin in an unwell patient and an update in gout.

If you’re attending in person: Wolfson theatre

Speaker Dr Jessica Manson
Dr Jessica Manson
Consultant rheumatologist, University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
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Haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) fever, high ferritin in an unwell acute take patient

Speaker Professor Abhishek
Professor Abhishek
Professor of rheumatology, The University of Nottingham
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Gout/Crystal Arthritis

Speaker Professor Hector Chinoy
Professor Hector Chinoy
Professor of rheumatology and neuromuscular disease| consultant rheumatologist, The University of Manchester
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Approaching raised creatine kinase in acute medical take

2:00pm – 3:30pm

Sports and exercise medicine

This session will include some key updates in sport and exercise medicine and will feature the 2024 Croonian lecture which focuses on concussion in sport

If you’re attending in person: Seligman theatre

2:00pm – 3:30pm

Metabolic medicine/obesity

This session will discuss obesity and the rise in metabolic medicine.

If you’re attending in person: Dorchester library

3:30pm BST - Comfort break
3:45pm BST
3:45pm – 4:30pm

Closing keynote

The conference will close with a keynote from a leader in the medical profession.

If you’re attending in person: Wolfson theatre

Speaker Professor Devi Sridhar
Professor Devi Sridhar
Chair of global public health, University of Edinburgh
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How we prevent future pandemics

5:00pm BST - End of conference
Our workshops and hands on sessions are an excellent opportunity for interactive learning. Bookings will open early October. 

Workshops are non-clinical educational sessions. Facilitators can hold these as either small lectures or group discussions.

Hands on sessions focus on developing attendees’ key clinical skills. Facilitators often bring equipment that can be used to emulate real-life clinical situations.

Don’t forget, some of our workshops are CPD accredited. Certificates will be available to download shortly after the conference via the ‘CPD’ page.

Thursday 21 November

10:30am BST
10:30am – 11:30am

How to progress your career as an IMG (workshop)

This workshop will give you the opportunity to network, hear a variety of success stories, and equip you with valuable strategies to progress your medical career in the UK, you will leave with a personalised action plan supported by the RCP Education and Global teams.
11:45am BST
11:45am – 12:45pm

How to communicate difficult to teach topics in innovative ways (workshop)

This workshop will explore a range of different approaches to teaching difficult topics using innovative techniques.
2:30pm BST
2:30pm – 3:30pm

How to respond when things go wrong (workshop)

This workshop will provide an update on recent developments in patient safety reporting and learning, demonstrating how to respond to patient safety events using a clinical scenario. The session will also highlight the importance and benefits of patient involvement in patient safety learning.

Friday 22 November

9:15am BST
9:15am – 10:15am

How to engage with the RCPs global activities (workshop)

An introduction to RCP’s key global partnerships and projects, and exploration of the ways in which you can help us shape future global strategy.
10:30am BST
10:30am – 11:30am

How to prepare to be a new consultant (workshop)

This workshop will focus on the essentials you need to know about contracts, job planning, and preparing for your new role, with expert advice from the RCP Education team and the New Consultants’ Committee to support you in the transition to being a new consultant.
11:45am BST
11:45am – 12:45pm

How to manage multiple medications with the RCP acute care toolkit (workshop)

This session will promote the launch and implementation of the new RCP Acute Care Toolkit on polypharmacy, ‘Managing multiple medications: Acute Care Toolkit’. This session will provide key presentations on the clinical importance of managing polypharmacy, offer insights into effective education and training strategies, and discuss sustainable approaches and communication techniques for successful toolkit implementation. Attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of how to apply this toolkit to enhance patient care in acute settings.
2:30pm BST
2:30pm – 3:30pm

QI showcase (workshop)

This session will showcase the QI abstracts that have been shortlisted in the Med+ 2024 trainee abstract competition. The top 5 abstracts will be invited for oral presentation and a panel of QI experts will facilitate an open question and answer session.

Please encourage your trainees to submit their QI abstracts to the Med+ conference. Submissions close on Sunday 8 September.