Abstract competition

The Med+ abstract competition offers trainees an opportunity to showcase their research to healthcare professionals from around the globe.

This year, we accepted entries on the following topics:

  • Health services, policy and workforce development
  • Clinical, case reports, digital health
  • Research (including clinical, translational and innovation)
  • Education, training and medical professionalism
  • Quality improvement and patient safety, audit
  • Sustainability in health, health inequalities



  • Best poster and best presentation: each winner will receive £500, a 1-1 session with an RCP officer to help further develop your research, and a ticket (online or in-person) for Medicine 2025.
  • Runners up: each runner up will receive an online ticket for Medicine 2025.



  • Winner of the best poster

Revolutionising hospital-wide handover: A cost effective solution using existing Microsoft Suite licensing

Mohammed Salmaan Azam


  • Runner-up for best poster

Retrospective analysis to determine potential predictors of talc pleurodesis success in patients with malignant pleural effusion

Catherine Roberts, Junyi Zhang, Owais Kadwani


  • Winner of the best poster presentation

Train to drain: a quality improvement project leading to a national educational resource to improve the confidence of doctors and nurses in managing patients with chest drains

Beenish Iqbal


  • Runner-up for best poster presentation

Severe eczema is associated with prolonged reaction time and increased prevalence of depressive thoughts, but no changes in MRI measures of grey or white matter integrity

Jill Betts

View the shortlisted posters below.