Early release content will be available to watch from 7 November 2024. All sessions will be individually CPD accredited.
Audiovestibular medicine
Speakers will discuss tinnitus and the differentional diagnosis of dizziness.
Speaker(s): Dr Arun Pajaniappane, Dr Roohi Shrivastava
Dr Arun Pajaniappane
Dr Arun Pajaniappane
Dr Arun Pajaniappane
Dr Roohi Shrivastava
Dr Roohi Shrivastava
Dr Roohi Shrivastava
Rehabilitation medicine
Our panel of experts will explore rehabilitation following stroke, updates in cerebal palsy and the role of physicians in relation to multisystem long term conditions.
Speaker(s): Dr Javvad Haider, Dr Meena Nayar, Professor K P Sivaraman Nair, Professor Siva Nair, Emma Livingstone
Dr Javvad Haider
Dr Javvad Haider
Consultant in rehabilitation medicine, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
Dr Javvad Haider is a consultant in rehabilitation medicine based at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust and rehabilitation medicine lead for the National Rehabilitation Centre. He is also trustee and treasurer of the British Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine and chair of the BSPRM Long Term Neurological Conditions Special Interest Group. Javvad is also on the editorial board for the Advances in Rehabilitation Science and Practice Journal.
Dr Javvad Haider Consultant in rehabilitation medicine, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
Updates in spasticity management
Dr Meena Nayar
Dr Meena Nayar
Dr Meena Nayar
Professor K P Sivaraman Nair
Professor K P Sivaraman Nair
Consultant neurologist, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Professor K P Sivaraman Nair is a consultant in neurology with a special interest in neurorehabilitation, working in Sheffield. He is currently an honorary professor of neurosciences at the University of Sheffield. He is also the chair of the Research and Clinical Standards Committee of the British Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. Siva is a member of the RCP Joint Specialty Committee (JSC) on stroke and JSC on rehabilitation medicine. He is the chief editor of the textbook Neurorehabilitation: therapy and therapeutics, published by Cambridge University Press.
Siva is the lead for the adult neurodisability clinic in Sheffield. He works with a neurophysiotherapy colleague to facilitate the transition of young adults with cerebral palsy into adult services. They conduct a clinic for adults with neurodisabilities and cerebral palsy. Siva’s research interest is to develop devices and interventions to promote function in people with neurological disabilities. Research projects include brain–computer interface, exoskeleton, multichannel electrical sensory stimulator for spasticity, and adults with cerebral palsy. His team is developing tools to monitor mobility of people with cerebral palsy using digital tools.
Professor K P Sivaraman Nair Consultant neurologist, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Adults with cerebral palsy: what general physicians need to know
Professor Siva Nair
Professor Siva Nair
Professor Siva Nair
Emma Livingstone
Emma Livingstone
Emma Livingstone
Nuclear medicine
Speakers will discuss advancements in diagnostic nuclear medicine and therapeutic uses.
Speaker(s): Professor Sabina Dizdarevic, Dr Vineet Pant, Professor Sobhan Vinjamuri
Professor Sabina Dizdarevic
Professor Sabina Dizdarevic
Professor Sabina Dizdarevic
Dr Vineet Pant
Dr Vineet Pant
Specialist in nuclear medicine, Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Vineet Pant is a highly accomplished nuclear medicine specialist with extensive experience across India, Germany and the UK. After earning an MBBS from LLRM Medical College in 2004 in India, Vineet completed a DNB in nuclear medicine in 2009 and received a European fellowship in 2014. His expertise includes advanced therapies like PRRT and PRLT, honed during a Theranostics fellowship in Germany. Currently serving at Royal Liverpool University Hospital, he has held various roles including clinical fellow and speciality doctor prior to being a specialist. Vineet’s work in Lu PSMA therapy, research contributions, and leadership in organising conferences underscore his commitment to the field. Elected as secretary general of ANMPI (2019–21), he has significantly contributed to nuclear medicine education and research. He has been recognised with multiple awards, the latest being the Saul Hertz Radiotherapy Poster Prize at the BNMS Spring Meeting 2024 for 'Real world experience of patients referred for Lu-PSMA treatment in a UK teaching hospital', and continues to influence the field globally through his clinical work, research, and teaching.
Dr Vineet Pant Specialist in nuclear medicine, Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Advances in therapeutic nuclear medicine Lu DOTA & PSMA therapies
Professor Sobhan Vinjamuri
Professor Sobhan Vinjamuri
Lead consultant in nuclear medicine, Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Professor Sobhan Vinjamuri Lead consultant in nuclear medicine, Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Louise Savic is a consultant anaesthetist with a clinical and research interest in drug allergy and perioperative anaphylaxis. She is currently a doctoral fellow with the NIHR, undertaking mixed-methods research to explore the problems of drug allergy in surgical patients. Louise’s areas of interest include the development of novel diagnostic pathways in drug allergy, the delabelling of penicillin allergy, and the psychological impact of perioperative anaphylaxis. She recently led the development of a national guideline for penicillin allergy delabelling by non-allergists and is developing a complex intervention for routine delabelling in surgical patients. Working closely with the British Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, and Clinical Immunology Professional Network, Louise is leading a cross-speciality working party for improving allergy care among surgical patients.
Dr Louise Savic Consultant anaesthetist, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
Penicillin allergy – barriers and enablers to delabelling by the general physician
Clinical neurophysiology
Speaker(s): Dr Jeremy D P Bland, Dr Gareth Payne
Dr Jeremy D P Bland
Dr Jeremy D P Bland
Consultant in clinical neurophysiology, East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Jeremy Bland qualified from Manchester University in 1981 and trained in clinical neurophysiology in the West Midlands before taking up a post as consultant in clinical neurophysiology at the Kent and Canterbury Hospital and the Regional Neuroscience Centre in London in1989. Since 1992, he has developed an interest in all aspects of the epidemiology, aetiology, diagnosis and treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), compiling a database of over 50,000 patients suspected to have the disorder and publishing original papers and review articles on the topic. He is also one of the authors of the current Cochrane review of steroid treatment for CTS. Since 2006, he has run a clinic dedicated to treating patients with CTS as part of a cooperative, multidisciplinary care pathway spanning primary and secondary care. The clinic carries out one-stop assessment (clinical consultation, nerve conduction studies and ultrasound imaging) and treatment (splinting and local steroid injection) and arranges surgery for those patients for whom it is appropriate, either in primary care or the hospital service. He has also developed an interest in high-resolution ultrasound imaging of peripheral nerve disease. Current research projects in the field of CTS include studies of the long-term outcome of serial steroid injection and the role of amyloidosis in causation of CTS in older patients. He maintains a website devoted to carpal tunnel syndrome at www.carpal-tunnel.net. This not only acts as a patient information resource, but also provides a validated diagnostic questionnaire that can provide a quantitative estimate of the probability of CTS in an individual patient with hand symptoms. He also has a wider interest in other entrapment neuropathies and their assessment using neurophysiological and ultrasound techniques. He has lectured extensively on these topics, most recently at meetings of the BSCN, BPNS, ISPNI and AANEM, and received the AANEM ‘distinguished researcher’ award in 2021. He is currently the national specialty adviser to NHS England for clinical neurophysiology.
Dr Jeremy D P Bland Consultant in clinical neurophysiology, East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Dr Gareth Payne
Dr Gareth Payne
Dr Gareth Payne
Sleep medicine
Chair: Dr Shruthi Konda
Dr Shruthi Konda
Dr Shruthi Konda
Consultant respiratory physician, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Shruthi Konda graduated from Imperial College and trained in London in respiratory and general internal medicine. She was appointed as a consultant respiratory physician in 2017. Her base is the Royal Brompton Hospital in London, which is a National Centre of Excellence for patients with lung disease in the UK. Shruthi’s clinical exposure covers the breadth of respiratory medicine, but she has particular expertise in the diagnosis and management of sleep disorders and respiratory failure.
Shruthi is the Linacre fellow for the RCP, which is a national role supporting RCP college tutors and associate college tutors across England, Wales and Northern Ireland. She is also an MRCP PACES examiner and her ever-growing educational portfolio includes acting as an external reviewer for two cohorts of MTI trainees in Kerala, India. Shruthi is also educational lead for the British Sleep Society and organises, speaks and chairs at national and international courses and conferences. She has also been elected to represent sleep research and education at a European level by her peers.
Dr Shruthi Konda Consultant respiratory physician, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Speaker(s): Professor Joerg Steir, Professor Malcolm von Schantz, Dr Zoe Schaedel
Professor Joerg Steir
Professor Joerg Steir
Professor Joerg Steir
Professor Malcolm von Schantz
Professor Malcolm von Schantz
Professor Malcolm von Schantz
Dr Zoe Schaedel
Dr Zoe Schaedel
Dr Zoe Schaedel
The below sessions will take place live on the 2 day event. All content will be published on demand shortly after they have been broadcast.
8:30am BST - Registration
9:30am BST
9:30am – 9:35am
Opening welcome
If you’re attending in person:Wolfson theatre
9:35am BST
9:35am – 10:45am
Opening keynote
The conference will open with a keynote from a leader in the medical profession.
If you’re attending in person:Wolfson theatre
Speaker(s): Dr Gavin Francis
Dr Gavin Francis
Dr Gavin Francis
GP and writer, University of Edinburgh
Dr Gavin Francis qualified in medicine with honours from Edinburgh in 1999, after first studying neuroscience, and is the author of ten books of non-fiction. He is a fellow of the Royal Society of Literature, the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, and the Royal College of General Practitioners. He works as a GP in Edinburgh and in the Scottish Highlands, and as tutor and director of admissions for Edinburgh Medical School.
He is a regular contributor to The Times, Observer, Guardian, London Review of Books and New York Review of Books on matters relating to medicine and literature, and to The Lancet’s series ‘The Art of Medicine’. www.gavinfrancis.com
Dr Gavin Francis GP and writer, University of Edinburgh
Free for all: why the NHS is worth saving
10:45am BST - Comfort break
11:15am BST
11:15am – 12:45pm
Acute medicine
This session will discuss updates in acute medicine.
If you’re attending in person:Wolfson theatre
Speaker(s): Dr Ragit Varia, Dr Barbara Lachana Onen, Dr Nick Murch, Dr Latif Rahman, James Murray
Dr Ragit Varia
Dr Ragit Varia
Consultant acute medicine, Mersey and West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
Dr Ragit Varia is a consultant in acute medicine at Whiston Hospital, Mersey and West Lancashire NHS Trust.
He is the trust lead for same day emergency care (SDEC), as well as medical lead for the Urgent Cancer Care Programme with the Cheshire and Merseyside Cancer Alliance, leading on their cancer SDEC and virtual ward.
Ragit is also on the Society for Acute Medicine (SAM) Council, with whom he has developed and been course director for the 'Acute medics as improvers - improving SDEC' course.
His is also a content lead for the RCP Medical Care – Driving Change Programme.
Dr Ragit Varia Consultant acute medicine, Mersey and West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
SDEC: thinking differently!
Dr Barbara Lachana Onen
Dr Barbara Lachana Onen
Acute and general internal medicine consultant | medical SDEC lead, Royal London Hospital | Barts Health NHS Trust
Dr Barbara Lachana Onen is an acute and general internal medicine consultant and medical same day emergency care (SDEC) lead at the Royal London Hospital. She has a keen interest in improvement of service delivery in same day emergency care. Barbara holds a masters in tropical medicine and international health from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Her thesis focused on ambulatory care in low- and middle-income countries and won the Oxford Sir Richard Peto prize. She served as RCP chief registrar at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford, carrying out quality improvement work in SDEC, and was part of the Oxford Emerging Leaders Programme and the Royal College of Physicians (RCP) Emerging Women Leaders Programme.
Dr Barbara Lachana Onen Acute and general internal medicine consultant | medical SDEC lead, Royal London Hospital | Barts Health NHS Trust
Nitrous oxide related neurological harm managed through Same Day Emergency Care
Dr Nick Murch
Dr Nick Murch
Consultant physician and president, Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust, Society for Acute Medicine
Dr Nick Murch is a consultant physician at the Royal Free Hospital in London, as well as honorary clinical associate professor at University College London (UCL). Privately, he also works as a consultant at the new Cleveland Clinic London. Nick studied medicine at the University of Wales College of Medicine before going on to train in acute and general medicine in the north London rotation. He moved to the Royal Free Hospital as a consultant in 2011 and has previously spent time as the clinical lead, as well as training programme director and regional specialty adviser for acute medicine. Currently, Nick is the trust lead for simulation training and has helped to rewrite the curriculum for training in acute medicine. He has a keen interest in managing acutely unwell medical patients including those with sepsis, pulmonary embolism, and toxicological problems, as well as the use of ultrasound. He sits on the editorial board of the Acute Medicine Journal and has over 20 published articles, as well as having authored a medical textbook and numerous book chapters.
Dr Nick Murch Consultant physician and president, Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust, Society for Acute Medicine
Dr Latif Rahman
Dr Latif Rahman
Consultant, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust
Dr Latif Rahman is currently working as a consultant in acute medicine at University Hospitals of Leicester where he was previously working as an RCP chief registrar.
Besides this, he is currently working as the POCUS teaching programme co-lead for acute internal medicine at the East Midlands Deanery and at Leicester Royal Infirmary. Latif is a FAMUS supervisor and FUSIC heart mentor.
He has represented East Midlands at the RCP Trainee Committee and is also the current trainee representative at the Society for Acute Medicine Council.
Latif is finishing his MSc in medical education from the University of Nottingham and also holds the FHEA accreditation, as well as a PG Cert degree in critical care.
He is working voluntarily as the secretary for international affairs at the Acute and Critical Care Physicians' Foundation, Bangladesh with the purpose of improving the state of acute medicine and medical education in Bangladesh. He has authored a book called Acute Medicine in Ward for the doctors in Bangladesh, four editions of which have been published so far.
Dr Latif Rahman Consultant, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust
Point of care ultrasound: pushing the boundaries
James Murray
James Murray
James Murray
11:15am – 12:45pm
Developed with the British Society of Gastroenterology this session will explore management of acute colitis and c-difficile, share approaches to deranged LFTs and discuss how to improve outcomes for decompensated liver disease.
If you’re attending in person:Seligman theatre
Chair: Dr Roisin Bevan, Dr Ricia Gwenter
Dr Roisin Bevan
Dr Roisin Bevan
Consultant gastroenterologist, North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Roisin Bevan has been a consultant gastroenterologist at North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust since 2016, with an interest in luminal disease (IBD, functional disorders), endoscopy (BCSP screener) and endoscopy training (NETA immersion site lead, and North Tees and Hartlepool endoscopy training lead). Roisin is the deputy chair of the British Society of Gastroenterology Education Committee.
Dr Roisin Bevan Consultant gastroenterologist, North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Ricia Gwenter
Dr Ricia Gwenter
ST5 gastroenterology registrar, University Hospital Southampton
Dr Ricia Gwenter graduated from Swansea University in 2016 and completed foundation and core medical training in North Wales before moving to Wessex for gastroenterology specialist registrar training in 2022. Her clinical interests are in hepatology and medical leadership. Ricia is currently out of programme and seconded to the Care Quality Commission as part of the National Medical Directors Clinical Fellowship Scheme. She is the British Society of Gastroenterology Trainee section chair for 2024/2025 and has been a member of the RCP Trainee Committee since 2022.
Dr Ricia Gwenter ST5 gastroenterology registrar, University Hospital Southampton
Speaker(s): Professor Anjan Dhar, Professor Debbie Shawcross, Dr Kamal Patel
Professor Anjan Dhar
Professor Anjan Dhar
Professor of medicine and consultant gastroenterologist, County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust
Anjan Dhar is professor of medicine at Teesside University and consultant luminal gastroenterologist at Darlington Memorial and Bishop Auckland Hospitals in County Durham. His research interests in luminal gastroenterology include inflammatory bowel disease, oesophageal diseases (eosinophilic oesophagitis, reflux disease and Barrett’s oesophagus) and advanced therapeutic endoscopy (EMR, RFA, POEM and ESG). He is a National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) clinician investigator and is involved in several national and international clinical trials at County Durham (over 20 clinical trials completed in the last 20 years, currently involved with eight clinical trials). Anjan is an elected member of the Oesophageal Section, the IBD Section and the Clinical Research Group for IBD at the British Society of Gastroenterology. He was the chair of the Eosinophilic Oesophagitis Guideline Group of the BSG. He is the current chair of the Education Committee of the BSG, previous deputy chair of education (2021–23), and was elected to BSG Council in 2022.
Anjan has over 120 publications in peer-reviewed international GI journals and is a reviewer to many GI journals. His h-index is 31 (2023), with over 4,000 citations.
Professor Anjan Dhar Professor of medicine and consultant gastroenterologist, County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust
How to manage Cloistridioides difficile diarrhoea
Professor Debbie Shawcross
Professor Debbie Shawcross
Professor of hepatology and chronic liver failure, King's College London
Debbie Shawcross is a clinician scientist and professor of hepatology and chronic liver failure at the Institute of Liver Studies and James Black Centre, King’s College London. She works as a consultant hepatologist on the King’s Liver Unit with a specialist interest in hepatic encephalopathy, liver failure syndromes and the complications of cirrhosis. She joined the EASL (European Association for the Study of the Liver) Scientific Committee and Governing Board in October 2022 and was elected vice secretary general of EASL in June 2023. She is an advocate for high-quality education and training in gastroenterology and hepatology, having been a Health Education England London gastroenterology training programme director for 10 years, British Society of Gastroenterology (BSG) mentor and an active member of the BSG Supporting Women in Gastroenterology Committee. She is chair of the BSG Research Committee.
Debbie’s research programme characterises the immunobiology of chronic liver failure, focusing specifically on the gut–liver–brain axis in the context of the gut microbiome as a driver of immune dysfunction, inflammation and encephalopathy. She is leading the field in clinical trials of faecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) in Europe, and is chief investigator of the NIHR-funded EME UK multicentre randomised placebo-controlled clinical trial of FMT (capsules) (PROMISE Trial) in patients with metabolic-associated and alcohol-related cirrhosis.
Professor Debbie Shawcross Professor of hepatology and chronic liver failure, King's College London
Approach to deranged liver biochemistry tests
Dr Kamal Patel
Dr Kamal Patel
Consultant gastroenterologist, St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Kamal Patel has been a consultant gastroenterologist at St George’s Hospital since September 2016. His clinical practice includes the assessment and management of a range of luminal gastroenterology conditions, including Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, microscopic colitis, coeliac disease, irritable bowel syndrome, dyspepsia, anaemia, unexplained weight loss and intestinal failure.
Kamal graduated from Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’ Medical School in 2003, having undertaken an intercalated degree in Physiology in 2000. He undertook specialist training in gastroenterology and hepatology in the south-east London deanery, and an advanced inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)/endoscopy fellowship at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital, prior to taking up a consultant post at St George’s Hospital in 2016. He has also completed a diploma in medical education in 2016.
Kamal is involved in all aspects of gastroenterological care, running weekly gastroenterology clinics at St George's and Nelson Health Centre, along with specialist inflammatory bowel disease clinics. He carries out regular upper and lower gastrointestinal endoscopy lists, with a special interest in more complex endoscopic procedures relating to IBD strictures, IBD dysplasia and intestinal failure.
He has been the Co-IBD lead since 2017 and continues to maintain a major research interest in IBD. Kamal’s work has been presented at the American Gastroenterology Association, United European Gastroenterology Association and the British Society of Gastroenterology. He is involved with the clinical research facility at St George’s, and is currently principal investigator and chief investigator for numerous NHS adopted IBD clinical trials.
Dr Kamal Patel Consultant gastroenterologist, St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
How to manage acute colitis
11:15am – 12:45pm
Infectious disease and tropical medicine
This session will provide key clinical updates in infectious diseases and tropical medicine.
If you’re attending in person:Dorchester library
12:45pm BST - Lunch
1:15pm BST
1:15pm – 1:45pm
Sponsored symposium
Join us for an industry-led interactive session. This session will not be CPD accredited.
If you’re attending in person:Wolfson theatre
1:15pm – 1:45pm
Sponsored symposium
Join us for an industry-led interactive session. This session will not be CPD accredited.
If you’re attending in person:Seligman theatre
1:15pm – 1:45pm
Sponsored symposium
Join us for an industry-led interactive session. This session will not be CPD accredited.
If you’re attending in person:Dorchester library
1:45pm BST - Lunch continued
2:15pm BST
2:15pm – 3:45pm
This session, developed with the Association of British Neurologists, will look at the management of intracranial haemorrhage and headache on the acute take. It will also explore new treatments for dementia and discuss assessment of gait disorders.
If you’re attending in person:Wolfson theatre
Speaker(s): Professor Adrian Parry Jones, Dr Matthew Jones, Dr Duncan Street, Dr Ruford Sequeira
Professor Adrian Parry Jones
Professor Adrian Parry Jones
Professor of vascular neurology, The University of Manchester
Adrian Parry-Jones is professor of vascular neurology at the University of Manchester and an honorary consultant neurologist at Salford Royal Hospital. His research and clinical work are focused on improving outcomes after intracerebral haemorrhage, a devastating form of stroke with poor outcomes and few treatments.
Professor Adrian Parry Jones Professor of vascular neurology, The University of Manchester
Management of intracranial haemorrhage
Dr Matthew Jones
Dr Matthew Jones
Consultant neurologist, Northern Care Alliance
Dr Matt Jones is a consultant neurologist at the Manchester Centre for Clinical Neurosciences. He is an honorary senior lecturer at the University of Manchester.
His clinical interests are general and acute neurology with subspecialisation in cognitive neurology; he runs a tertiary clinic for early onset and atypical dementia, taking referrals from throughout the north-west of the UK and beyond.
Dr Matthew Jones Consultant neurologist, Northern Care Alliance
New treatments for dementia
Dr Duncan Street
Dr Duncan Street
Specialty registrar, University Hospitals Birmingham
Dr Duncan Street was elected to represent the West Midlands on the Royal College of Physicians Trainee’s Committee in 2022, having worked in the region since 2017.
He is a neurology registrar and took time out of full-time clinical training to complete a PhD in clinical neurosciences at the University of Cambridge. Duncan’s PhD focused on clinical, cognitive and neuroimaging biomarkers of progressive supranuclear palsy and related disorders, drawn from national multicentre cohorts. His patient-centred research was complemented by experience in cognitive disorders clinics, movement disorders clinics, general neurology and clinical trials assessments.
Duncan has a strong interest in improving trainee involvement in research and is a member of the NIHR Clinical Research Network Neurodegeneration National Specialty Group, the European Academy of Neurology Scientific Panel on ALS and frontotemporal dementia, and the Association of British Neurologists Cognitive Disorders Advisory Group.
Dr Duncan Street Specialty registrar, University Hospitals Birmingham
Dr Ruford Sequeira
Dr Ruford Sequeira
Dr Ruford Sequeira
2:15pm – 3:45pm
This session will explore the management of respiratory conditions commonly seen on the acute take.
If you’re attending in person:Seligman theatre
Chair: Professor Jon Bennett
Professor Jon Bennett
Professor Jon Bennett
Professor Jon Bennett
2:15pm – 3:45pm
Developed with the British Association of Dermatologists this session will highlight key dermatological emergency presentations in skin of colour, highlight what the physician needs to know about skin cancer and discuss AI and dermatology perspectives.
If you’re attending in person:Dorchester library
Chair: Dr Tamara Griffiths
Dr Tamara Griffiths
Dr Tamara Griffiths
Dr Tamara Griffiths
Speaker(s): Dr Mary Sommerlad, Dr Chris Bower, Dr Beibei Du-Harpur
Dr Mary Sommerlad
Dr Mary Sommerlad
Consultant dermatologist, Homerton Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Mary Sommerlad is a consultant dermatologist specialising in paediatric dermatology, skin of colour dermatology, inflammatory dermatoses, photoaging, and laser dermatology. She studied medicine at UCL, where she obtained a first class intercalated BSc in immunology and was awarded the British Society of Immunology undergraduate prize.
Mary undertook her dermatology training in London at the Royal London and Royal Free Hospital, affording her a wealth of experience in managing dermatology in all skin types. She has been awarded a number of prizes, including the Hugh Wallace junior registrar prize and the Royal Society of Medicine monthly registrar prize in 2013 and 2014.
Mary’s interests include facial inflammatory dermatoses such as eczema, rosacea and acne; pigmentary disorders such as melasma and skin rejuvenation. She is passionate in promoting healthy skin at every age in every skin colour through teaching and has she has spoken at academic meetings including at the British Association of Dermatologists annual meeting, primary care Dermatology Society and the skin of colour workshop.
Due to her enthusiasm in promoting healthy skin for all, she is an ambassador for the British Skin Foundation, and she has also contributed to a number of features in highly respected publications such as Vogue, Elle, The Black Skin Directory and The Sunday Times.
Mary has clinical research interests in medical dermatology and contributes to the UK Dermatology Clinical Trials Network, as well as working as a reviewer for academic journals. Her work has been published in scientific peer reviewed journals such as the British Journal of Dermatology and she is frequently invited to speak at academic meetings.
Dr Mary Sommerlad Consultant dermatologist, Homerton Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Dermatology: emergency presentations in skin of colour
Dr Chris Bower
Dr Chris Bower
Dr Chris Bower
Dr Beibei Du-Harpur
Dr Beibei Du-Harpur
NIHR academic clinical lecturer in dermatology, King's College London
Dr Beibei Du-Harpur is an NIHR academic clinical lecturer in dermatology at St John's Institute of Dermatology, King's College London. She completed her PhD in molecular medicine on the Francis Crick Institute Doctoral Clinical Fellow Scheme, working between a skin biology lab at the Centre for Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine, King's College London, and a computational biology laboratory at the Crick. Beibei currently researches inflammation and the skin, with a focus on the skin conditions acne vulgaris and hidradenitis suppurativa.
Dr Beibei Du-Harpur NIHR academic clinical lecturer in dermatology, King's College London
Artificial intelligence: dermatology perspectives
3:45pm BST - Comfort break
4:15pm BST
4:15pm – 5:45pm
This session will explore management of cardiac conditions commonly seen by the general physician.
If you’re attending in person:Wolfson theatre
4:15pm – 5:45pm
Stroke medicine
This session will provide the latest updates in stroke management.
If you’re attending in person:Seligman theatre
Speaker(s): Dr Soma Banerjee, Dr Ganesh Subramanian, Dr Kailash Krishnan
Dr Soma Banerjee
Dr Soma Banerjee
Dr Soma Banerjee
Dr Ganesh Subramanian
Dr Ganesh Subramanian
Dr Ganesh Subramanian
Dr Kailash Krishnan
Dr Kailash Krishnan
Dr Kailash Krishnan
4:15pm – 5:45pm
Palliative medicine
Developed by the RCPs JSC for Palliative Medicine, this session will provide an insight into the challenges and opportunities faced by the palliative care registrar on the acute take. It will also explore opioid toxicity and how to distinguish it from natural dying as well as discussing how best to set and communicate ceilings of treatment.
If you’re attending in person:Dorchester library
Chair: Dr David Brooks, Dr Rachel Clingan
Dr David Brooks
Dr David Brooks
Macmillan consultant in palliative medicine, Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Dr David Brooks has been Macmillan consultant in palliative medicine in Chesterfield Royal Hospital for 25 years. He is the chair of the Joint Specialty Committee for palliative medicine of the Royal College of Physicians and a past president of the Association for Palliative Medicine. David is also a member of the Palliative Medicine Specialty Certificate Examination Standard Setting Group.
Dr David Brooks Macmillan consultant in palliative medicine, Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Rachel Clingan
Dr Rachel Clingan
ST6 palliative medicine, Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Rachel Clingan is a ST6 in palliative medicine in the London and KSS deanery. She is also a member of the RCP Trainees Committee.
Dr Rachel Clingan ST6 palliative medicine, Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust
Speaker(s): Dr Emily Holdsworth, Dr Sarah Foot, Dr Jason Boland
Dr Emily Holdsworth
Dr Emily Holdsworth
Palliative and internal medicine SpR, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
Dr Emily Holdsworth is an ST6 dual specialist registrar in palliative and internal medicine working in West Yorkshire.
She is interested in the interface between palliative medicine and other clinical specialties, and equality of palliative care delivery for all. She is currently undertaking an out of programme training period working as a clinical fellow within the Marie Curie REACT service in Bradford, which aims to identify and support people with unmet palliative care needs in the emergency department.
Dr Emily Holdsworth Palliative and internal medicine SpR, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
Setting and communicating ceilings of treatment
Dr Sarah Foot
Dr Sarah Foot
Palliative medicine trainee, Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Sarah Foot is an ST6 palliative and general medical registrar working in the east of England. She is completing a master’s in bioethics and medical law and utilising her unique position as a palliative medical registrar working on the acute take to undertake her dissertation on the topic of palliative care in the emergency department.
Sarah is an enthusiastic educator, having recently completed a fellowship teaching generalism to foundation doctors, and is co-chair of the Association of Palliative Medicine trainees committee.
Dr Sarah Foot Palliative medicine trainee, Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust
The palliative medicine registrar on the acute take – challenges and opportunities
Dr Jason Boland
Dr Jason Boland
Professor and honorary consultant in palliative medicine, Hull York Medical School
Professor Jason Boland is an academic consultant in palliative medicine at Hull York Medical School. He is half-time in clinical practice in north-east Lincolnshire, working with the hospice, hospital and community teams. At Hull York Medical School, John has both research and education roles, leading the final year of the medical course. His research focuses on opioids and their toxicity, and the clinical implications of this.
Dr Jason Boland Professor and honorary consultant in palliative medicine, Hull York Medical School
Opioid toxicity – how to distinguish from natural dying and how to manage it
5:45pm BST
Networking reception
In person delegates can look forward to an evening reception on the first day. Enjoy food and drinks while catching up and networking with colleagues.
If you’re attending in person:Osler room
7:00pm BST - End of day 1
The below sessions will take place live on the 2 day event. All content will be published on demand shortly after they have been broadcast.
8:30am BST - Registration
9:00am BST
9:00am – 10:30am
Treating tobacco dependency
Alongside the British Thoracic Society and RCP special adviser on tobacco, Professor Sanjay Agrawal, this session will include a statement from the BTS on tobacco dependency, highlight the treatment bundles available through NCSCT, share latest updates on the use of e-cigarettes and discuss pharmacotherapies.
If you’re attending in person:Wolfson theatre
Chair: Professor Sanjay Agrawal
Professor Sanjay Agrawal
Professor Sanjay Agrawal
Consultant in respiratory and intensive care medicine, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust
Professor Sanjay Agrawal is the RCP’s special adviser on tobacco and chairs the RCP Tobacco Advisory Group. This group has published several reports and recommendations on the treatment of tobacco dependency and tobacco control over several decades. Many of the recommendations from these reports have gone on to become adopted within national health policy, most notably setting up tobacco dependency treatment services for all in-patients and maternity services in England. The most recent report focused on the role of e-cigarettes.
Professor Sanjay Agrawal Consultant in respiratory and intensive care medicine, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust
Speaker(s): Dr Louise Restrick, Jacqui Pollington, Professor Matthew Evison, Arran Woodhouse
Dr Louise Restrick
Dr Louise Restrick
Integrated consultant respiratory physician, Whittington Health NHS Trust
Dr Louise Restrick is an integrated consultant respiratory physician at the Whittington Hospital, London. She co-leads an award-winning multi-disciplinary COPD team with a long-standing commitment to delivering evidence-based treatment for tobacco dependence as a key component of high-value respiratory care. Louise co-led the 2010–16 London Respiratory Team that developed the ‘COPD Value Pyramid’ and the London Clinical Senate ‘Helping Smokers Quit Programme’, was a member of the 2019 NICE COPD Guidelines Group that named ‘smoking cessation’ as a ‘Fundamental of COPD care’, and is a co-author of the 2024 British Thoracic Society clinical statement on the ‘Medical management of inpatients with tobacco dependency’.
Dr Louise Restrick Integrated consultant respiratory physician, Whittington Health NHS Trust
Tobacco dependency – the medical management of inpatients with tobacco dependency
Jacqui Pollington
Jacqui Pollington
Respiratory nurse consultant, The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust
Jacqui Pollington has worked in respiratory care for over 30 years. A registered nurse, independent prescriber with an MSc in advanced nursing, she has led service development in the fields of asthma, COPD, pulmonary rehabilitation, home oxygen therapy, virtual wards, and bronchiectasis. Jacqui has co-authored several British Thoracic Society clinical statements and is the chair of the BTS Specialist Advisory Group on tobacco dependency. She was clinical lead for South Yorkshire's QUIT Programme.
Jacqui Pollington Respiratory nurse consultant, The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust
The BTS clinical statement on the medical management of tobacco dependency for hospital clinicians
Professor Matthew Evison
Professor Matthew Evison
Professor Matthew Evison
Arran Woodhouse
Arran Woodhouse
Lead tobacco dependence specialist, Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Arran Woodhouse has been working in the field of tobacco dependence for over 20 years, working in both acute and community settings. He is the clinical lead for tobacco dependence at King’s College Hospital and was responsible for implementing a version of the Ottawa Model for Smoking Cessation at an NHS England early implementer site. Arran has a background in health psychology and worked with NICE on the latest Tobacco guideline (NG209) as a topic expert, and the Tobacco: treating dependence quality standard (QS207) as a Specialist Committee member. He is a past member of the British Thoracic Society’s Tobacco Specialist Advisory Group and recently worked as a co-author for the National Centre for Smoking Cessation Training (NCSCT) on the NHS standard treatment plan for inpatient tobacco dependence and associated training package.
Arran Woodhouse Lead tobacco dependence specialist, Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
9:00am – 10:30am
Diabetes and endocrinology
This session, developed with the Association of British Clinical Diabetologists, will provide an update on global guidelines on the management of hyperglycaemic emergencies and the management of diabetes and hyperglycaemia at the front door. It will also provide insights into adrenal insufficiency and hyponatraemia for the generalist.
If you’re attending in person:Seligman theatre
Speaker(s): Dr Shivani Misra, Professor Ketan Dhatariya, Dr Helen Simpson, Dr Narendra Reddy
Dr Shivani Misra
Dr Shivani Misra
Dr Shivani Misra
Professor Ketan Dhatariya
Professor Ketan Dhatariya
Consultant in diabetes and endocrinology and honorary professor of medicine, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Professor Ketan Dhatariya graduated from the University of London in 1991 and did his diabetes and endocrinology training in and around London. He was also a part-time GP and took some time out of his training to spend a year doing intensive care medicine and anaesthetics. After he finished his training in 2001, he went to do a research fellowship in endocrinology at the Mayo Clinic. He was appointed as a consultant in diabetes, endocrinology and general medicine at Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital in 2004, and as honorary professor of medicine at the University of East Anglia in 2019.
Ketan has several national roles. He is the chair of the Association of British Clinical Diabetologists, and was also the chair of the Joint British Diabetes Societies Inpatient Care Group. He is the chair of the Examining Board for the UK Specialist Clinical Exam in Diabetes and Endocrinology. He is the section co-editor for diabetes for www.endotext.org. He is an associate editor of Diabetic Medicine.
Ketan has over 190 peer-reviewed publications, and has published over 20 book chapters on inpatient diabetes, perioperative diabetes care or on the diabetic foot.
Professor Ketan Dhatariya Consultant in diabetes and endocrinology and honorary professor of medicine, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Management of diabetes and hyperglycaemia at the front door
Dr Helen Simpson
Dr Helen Simpson
Consultant endocrinologist, University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Helen Simpson is a consultant endocrinologist who has worked at UCLH since 2017 and at Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge for 12 years prior to that. She has extensive clinical experience within endocrinology, in outpatient and inpatient settings, including seeing referrals in ED, acute medicine and surgery, oncology, neurosurgery and ICU. Helen is clinical lead for endocrinology and outpatient transformation at UCLH, with a focus on patient safety and the aim to make outpatient services fit for the new world. She is an active member of the Society for Endocrinology (SfE), recently being elected to Council, and was delighted to receive the 2021 award for outstanding clinical practitioner. Helen is also member of the RCP Patient Safety Committee, working with the RCP, SfE and NHSE&I to improve care for all patients with adrenal insufficiency, including the NHS emergency steroid card. She is also topic adviser for the NICE guideline – the focus of the session at Medicine+. She works closely with patients support groups, and leads Twitter chats on adrenal insufficiency and other endocrinology issues.
Dr Helen Simpson Consultant endocrinologist, University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Adrenal insufficiency – what is NICE for the non-endocrinologist to know
Dr Narendra Reddy
Dr Narendra Reddy
Consultant endocrinologist, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust
Dr Narendra Reddy is a consultant endocrinologist, head of service and an honorary senior lecturer in University Hospitals of Leicester. He completed endocrinology specialist training in Oxford and obtained an MD research degree from the University of Warwick for the topic of 'Endocrine determinants of brown fat' research. Narendra’s areas of interest are adrenal, pituitary and electrolyte disorders of sodium and calcium. He has authored multiple publications in leading journals and is a co-author of the national guideline for pituitary apoplexy management. Narendra has written book chapters and is currently an editor of the endocrinology chapter of Kumar and Clarke’s Clinical Medicine. He is currently East Midlands lead for the Clinical Research Network (NIHR) of Metabolism and Endocrinology portfolio, and is involved in the management and conduction of clinical research studies. Narendra is also a member of the Society for Endocrinology Clinical Committee and is on the advisory panel for Parathyroid UK.
Dr Narendra Reddy Consultant endocrinologist, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust
Do's and don'ts in hyponatraemia management
9:00am – 10:30am
Renal medicine
This session will provide an update in renal medicine for the general physician.
If you’re attending in person:Dorchester library
Chair: Dr Rupert Major, Amy Needleman
Dr Rupert Major
Dr Rupert Major
Clinical associate professor and honorary consultant nephrologist, University of Leicester and University Hospital of Leicester NHS Trust
Dr Rupert Major is a clinical associate professor in the Population Health Sciences Department at the University of Leicester and an honorary consultant nephrologist at University Hospitals of Leicester. He completed a Kidney Research UK funded PhD in relation to cardiovascular risk prediction in chronic kidney disease in 2019, and became a consultant in 2021.
Rupert led the research work that saw the Kidney Failure Risk Equation (KFRE) recommended for use in the 2021 NICE Chronic Kidney Disease guidelines. Since then, he has focused on KFRE’s implementation into routine clinical care and integrated care for chronic kidney disease and other long term conditions. Rupert leads the UKKA’s KFRE Implementation Group, working with primary and secondary care clinicians, biochemists and patient representatives to support the use of KFRE. He has pioneered the LUCID Programme in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland which aims to improve population health for people living with CKD and other long term conditions by using virtual clinics and data driven approaches to deliver more efficient care.
Dr Rupert Major Clinical associate professor and honorary consultant nephrologist, University of Leicester and University Hospital of Leicester NHS Trust
What’s new in the ‘most boring topic in medicine'?
Amy Needleman
Amy Needleman
Amy Needleman
Speaker(s): Dr Kristin Veighey, Yusuf Jinadu, Fiona Loud
Dr Kristin Veighey
Dr Kristin Veighey
NIHR academic clinical fellow in general practice, University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Kristin Veighey graduated from Queen’s University Belfast in 2004, prior to moving to Southampton. After a 4-year period as a junior doctor in Wessex, she started renal specialty training in London (North Thames) and completed a PhD. During her research time she supported a multinational clinical trial (REPAIR), and developed a passion for clinical research to improve patient care. She transferred to Portsmouth, where she completed her training, and then worked as a consultant nephrologist for 5 years before making the decision to retrain as a clinical academic GP.
Kristin is currently leading on National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR)-funded research to understand how we can better identify and manage people with chronic kidney disease (CKD) in primary care. She sits on the UK Kidney Association CKD Special Interest Group (SIG), leads the Society for Academic Primary Care SIG and works closely with the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care System and industry partners to support improvement projects for people living with CKD. She has established a PCN kidney clinic, led by a GP with an extended role (GPwER) in renal medicine, a role that they are working towards being formally recognised by the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP). In addition to this, Kristin works part time at University Hospital Southampton (UHS) as a co-associate director of the Southampton Academy of Research. In this role she leads the UHS Research Leaders’ Programme.
Dr Kristin Veighey NIHR academic clinical fellow in general practice, University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust
AKI and CKD for the non-nephrologist
Yusuf Jinadu
Yusuf Jinadu
Yusuf Jinadu
Fiona Loud
Fiona Loud
Policy director, Kidney Care UK
Fiona Loud is policy director of Kidney Care UK, the leading kidney patient support charity providing advice, support and financial assistance to thousands of people every year. She led the charity’s work on COVID-19, the organ donation opt-out law, and continuation of dialysis provision in the EU post-Brexit. Fiona is involved with numerous other groups, working to improve standards of care for kidney patients. She set up and chaired the UK Renal Registry Patient Council and has contributed as a lay representative to many of the kidney guidelines produced by NICE, including those on CKD. She is also chair of the Organ Donation Committee at West Herts Hospital. Fiona spent 5 years on dialysis after her kidneys failed, because of rare disease tuberous sclerosis and kidney cancer, before receiving a transplant from her husband in late 2006. She was voted a HSJ top 50 patient leader and recently become an honorary member of the UK Kidney Association in recognition of her outstanding contribution to the UK kidney community.
Fiona Loud Policy director, Kidney Care UK
Let's talk kidneys
10:30am BST - Comfort break
11:00am BST
11:00am – 12:30pm
This session will discuss latest updates in geriatric medicine.
If you’re attending in person:Wolfson theatre
Speaker(s): Dr Dan Furmedge, Dr Elena Mucci
Dr Dan Furmedge
Dr Dan Furmedge
Consultant physician in geriatric and internal medicine, IMT Stage 1 TPD, RCP censor, honorary senior clinical lecturer, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Dan Furmedge is a consultant physician in geriatric and internal medicine at Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust. He is also training programme director for internal medicine stage 1, honorary senior clinical lecturer, and censor for RCP London.
Dan’s main interests within geriatric medicine are pragmatic individualised care and shared decision making. He is concerned about the rapid loss of generalist skills and the concept of 'too much medicine', particularly for frail older adults. He is an advocate for physicians to be more confident in managing conditions more broadly without needing to call a specialist for everything. Dan is also keen on promoting better treatment escalation, advance care planning and reducing polypharmacy.
Dr Dan Furmedge Consultant physician in geriatric and internal medicine, IMT Stage 1 TPD, RCP censor, honorary senior clinical lecturer, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Doing falls well – falls for the internist
Dr Elena Mucci
Dr Elena Mucci
Consultant geriatrician, East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Dr Elena Mucci trained as a geriatrician at King’s College Hospital, London and was a visiting geriatrician at Yale University Hospitals, USA. She was appointed as a consultant geriatrician in 2011 and has been based at Conquest Hospital since.
Elena is passionate about delivering personalised care to her patients and her areas of interest are frailty, polypharmacy and anticipatory care planning.
Elena is also an honorary senior clinical lecturer at Brighton and Sussex Medical School and is very passionate about education and training. She is a national and international speaker and her talks have been praised as most engaging and practical sessions with tools for everyday use.
Dr Elena Mucci Consultant geriatrician, East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
So many medicine, deprescribing in patients with falls: practical tools for everyday use | A geriatrician’s tale: not enough medicine
11:00am – 12:30pm
Alongside the British Society for Haematology this session will discuss management of sickle cell disease and the appropriate use of blood components. It will also explore diagnostic work up for suspected haematological malignancy and investigate thrombocytopenia.
If you’re attending in person:Seligman theatre
Speaker(s): Dr Norris Igbineweka, Dr Anita Arasaretnam, Dr Michael Desborough, Dr Sarah Wheeldon
Dr Norris Igbineweka
Dr Norris Igbineweka
Specialist registrar haematology and clinical research PhD fellow in haematology, King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Norris Igbineweka is a haematology registrar at King’s College Hospital, London. He is completing his PhD at Imperial College London in molecular haematology using gene editing experimental work to investigate certain undiagnosed red blood diseases in collaboration with Oxford University. Norris is also part of the UK arm of an international multicentre study, investigating genomic integrity and the safety of gene therapy in patients with sickle cell disease (SCD). Norris’ research interests surround exploring novel gene environmental modulators that may contribute to the understanding of SCD phenotype through studying space and microgravity effects on SCD red blood cells. This initial work has led to acceptance of a first-author publication in the journal Nature Genomic Medicine.
Norris has done previous research into fetal haemoglobin (HbF), a known biological marker of clinical severity in SCD. For his academic clinical fellowship, Norris initiated studies examining genetic regulators of HbF in patients with haematological malignancies. He found that some HbF gene variants may affect pathobiological processes and treatment responses in certain blood cancers. This study received a BSH early investigator grant, ASH abstract achievement award, abstract publication in the journal Blood, and a full manuscript in Annals of Haematology and Oncology. In 2016, Dr Norris was awarded and undertook a Fulbright scholarship for research at the NIH SCD branch, USA.
Dr Norris Igbineweka Specialist registrar haematology and clinical research PhD fellow in haematology, King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Management of sickle cell disease: progress or crises
Dr Anita Arasaretnam
Dr Anita Arasaretnam
Consultant haematologist, University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Anita Arasaretnam has been a consultant haematologist based in Brighton since 2015, having trained at King's College London. Her haematology interests include education and liaison haematology, as well as a sub speciality focus on myeloproliferative neoplasms.
Dr Anita Arasaretnam Consultant haematologist, University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust
Diagnostic work up for suspected haematological malignancy
Dr Michael Desborough
Dr Michael Desborough
Consultant haematologist, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Michael Desborough is a consultant haematologist at Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, honorary consultant haematologist at NHS Blood and Transplant and associate professor of haematology at the University of Oxford. Clinically, he subspecialises in immunohaematology, obstetric haematology and transfusion medicine. He leads the Oxford thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) and immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) centres. His research is in the field of platelet disorders and platelet dysfunction, including randomised trials of reversal agents for anti-platelet drugs in intracerebral haemorrhage. https://www.rdm.ox.ac.uk/people/michael-desborough.
Dr Michael Desborough Consultant haematologist, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Investigation of thrombocytopenia
Dr Sarah Wheeldon
Dr Sarah Wheeldon
ST7 haematology registrar, Royal Devon and Exeter University Healthcare Foundation Trust
Dr Sarah Wheeldon is an ST7 haematology specialty training registrar in Exeter, having commenced her specialty training in the Peninsula Deanery in 2019. Sarah went to medical school at the University of Oxford, followed by foundation training in Thames Valley, core medical training in Peninsula and a trust grade post in ICU in Exeter. She has an undergraduate degree in physiological sciences and a postgraduate certificate in clinical education (PgCert).
In 2023/2024 Sarah held a 1-year post with NHS Blood and Transplant as a transfusion education fellow, responsible for populating the RCPath Pathology Portal. Her main interests include transfusion, clotting, liaison haematology and medical education.
Dr Sarah Wheeldon ST7 haematology registrar, Royal Devon and Exeter University Healthcare Foundation Trust
The appropriate use of blood components and patient blood management
11:00am – 12:30pm
This session will provide an update in genito-urinary conditions commonly presented to the generalist.
If you’re attending in person:Dorchester library
Chair: Dr Liberty-Isabelle Todd, Professor Matt Phillips
Dr Liberty-Isabelle Todd
Dr Liberty-Isabelle Todd
IMT 1 doctor, University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust
Dr Liberty-Isabelle Todd is currently working as an IMT 1 doctor in Plymouth. She is the chair for the Student and Trainee Association for Sexual Health and HIV (STASHH), working as part of the British Association of Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH) to create educational resources, generate project opportunities and endorse leadership development for medical students and early career doctors, with the aim to widen access and encourage them to consider a career genitourinary medicine (GUM).
Dr Liberty-Isabelle Todd IMT 1 doctor, University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust
Professor Matt Phillips
Professor Matt Phillips
Consultant in GUM medicine, North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust
Professor Matt Phillips is the current president of the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV. He trained in Genitourinary Medicine (GUM) in the North West region and Dublin. Matt obtained his master’s degree from Keele University in the field of gender, sexuality and human rights law and has continued through his career to contribute to thinking around ethics in relation to HIV. He is an honorary professor at the University of Central Lancashire.
Professor Matt Phillips Consultant in GUM medicine, North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust
Speaker(s): Professor Margaret Kingston, Dr Elizabeth Okecha, Dr Joseph Heskin
Professor Margaret Kingston
Professor Margaret Kingston
Consultant physician, Manchester Royal Infirmary
Margaret is a consultant physician in genitourinary medicine at Manchester Royal Infirmary and is lead author of the UK national guidelines for the management of syphilis. She is also director of undergraduate medical studies at the University of Manchester.
Professor Margaret Kingston Consultant physician, Manchester Royal Infirmary
Syphilis for the general medic
Dr Elizabeth Okecha
Dr Elizabeth Okecha
Consultant in GUM and HIV | clinical lead, St Helens Sexual Health | Mersey and West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
Dr Elizabeth Okecha is a consultant in genitourinary (GUM) and HIV medicine, as well as clinical lead for St Helens Sexual Health Clinic in Merseyside. Elizabeth has recently been appointed as key opinion lead for the St Helens borough HIV fast track cities and is chair of the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH) HIV and Blood Borne Virus Special Interest Group. Within the RCP, Elizabeth is the GUM and HIV representative to the Joint Specialty Committee for Infectious Diseases. She has a keen interest in education and completed a postgraduate certificate in medical education during her higher specialist training. Elizabeth is a faculty registered trainer for contraception, STI foundation trainer for GUM, and an honorary research fellow at the University of Bristol.
Dr Elizabeth Okecha Consultant in GUM and HIV | clinical lead, St Helens Sexual Health | Mersey and West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
Prevention methods in GUM clinics
Dr Joseph Heskin
Dr Joseph Heskin
Consultant in genitourinary and HIV medicine, Chelsea and Westminster NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Joseph Heskin is a consultant in genitourinary and HIV medicine at 10 Hammersmith Broadway Clinic in West London. He is also a clinical tutor at Imperial College London Medical School, and a forensic physician at The Havens SARC.
Joseph diagnosed the first UK case of sexually acquired Mpox in 2022 and was part of the national and international response to the outbreak with an ongoing clinical and research interest in the topic.
Dr Joseph Heskin Consultant in genitourinary and HIV medicine, Chelsea and Westminster NHS Foundation Trust
Mpox – an unexpected outbreak
12:30pm BST - Lunch
1:00pm BST
1:00pm – 1:30pm
Sponsored symposium
Join us for an industry-led interactive session. This session will not be CPD accredited.
If you’re attending in person:Wolfson theatre
1:00pm – 1:30pm
Sponsored symposium
Join us for an industry-led interactive session. This session will not be CPD accredited.
If you’re attending in person:Seligman theatre
1:00pm – 1:30pm
Sponsored symposium
Join us for an industry-led interactive session. This session will not be CPD accredited.
If you’re attending in person:Dorchester library
1:30pm BST - Lunch continued
2:00pm BST
2:00pm – 3:30pm
Developed with the British Society for Rheumatology this session will discuss how to approach the raised creatine kinase in acute medical take, HLH fever and high ferritin in an unwell patient and an update in gout.
If you’re attending in person:Wolfson theatre
Speaker(s): Dr Jessica Manson, Professor Abhishek, Professor Hector Chinoy
Dr Jessica Manson
Dr Jessica Manson
Consultant rheumatologist, University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Jessica Manson is a consultant rheumatologist at University College London Hospital (UCLH) and an honorary associate professor at University College London (UCL). She is a general rheumatologist with a special interest in acute rheumatology and hyperinflammation.
Jessica leads the multidisciplinary haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) service at UCLH, helping to manage patients with complex needs from around the UK. She also co-founded and co-chairs HiHASC, a group of doctors and scientists committed to improving outcome for patients with HLH and other forms of hyperinflammation.
She did her PhD at UCL on lupus nephritis and now co-leads a hyperinflammation translational research programme.
Dr Jessica Manson Consultant rheumatologist, University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) fever, high ferritin in an unwell acute take patient
Professor Abhishek
Professor Abhishek
Professor of rheumatology, The University of Nottingham
Abhishek is a professor of rheumatology at the University of Nottingham and honorary consultant rheumatologist at the Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust. He qualified in 1999 from Seth GS Medical College in Mumbai (India) and completed residency in internal medicine from NSCB Medical College in Jabalpur (India). After initial medical training posts in Rhyl, Cardiff and Liverpool, Abhishek joined the Rheumatology and General Medicine Specialist Registrar Training Programme in Nottingham (2005–2013). Here, he developed a clinical and research interest in crystal arthritis. He completed a PhD on calcium pyrophosphate deposition (CPPD) in 2012. After completing his clinical and research training in January 2013, Abhishek took up a substantiative NHS consultant rheumatologist post in Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge, where he worked till August 2014. He moved back to the University of Nottingham in September 2014 when the opportunity arose to take up a clinical academic appointment as clinical associate professor of rheumatology and pursue his research interests. He was promoted to full professor in August 2020.
Apart from crystal arthritis, Abhishek’s other research interests include epidemiology of autoimmune rheumatic diseases, osteoarthritis, pragmatic clinical trials and clinical effectiveness studies using big-data, and evidence-based medicine.
Abhishek was the co-PI of ‘American College of Rheumatology/European League Against Rheumatism CPPD classification criteria’ project, and co-chairs the OMERACT CPPD Working Group. He is also the founding co-convenor of British Society for Rheumatology Crystal Arthritis Special Interest Group.
Professor Abhishek Professor of rheumatology, The University of Nottingham
Gout/Crystal Arthritis
Professor Hector Chinoy
Professor Hector Chinoy
Professor of rheumatology and neuromuscular disease| consultant rheumatologist, The University of Manchester
Hector Chinoy is professor of rheumatology and neuromuscular disease at the University of Manchester, UK, where he leads an active programme of translational research within the Manchester Myositis Research Group. He is an honorary consultant rheumatologist at Salford Royal Hospital, and runs the Salford Neuromuscular Clinic, also offering an active trial programme for myositis patients. He is chair of the international MYONET registry, a consortium that collects standardised clinical data globally. As of July 2024, he has 247 publications and an h-index of 52.
Professor Hector Chinoy Professor of rheumatology and neuromuscular disease| consultant rheumatologist, The University of Manchester
Approaching raised creatine kinase in acute medical take
2:00pm – 3:30pm
Sports and exercise medicine
This session will include some key updates in sport and exercise medicine and will feature the 2024 Croonian lecture which focuses on concussion in sport
If you’re attending in person:Seligman theatre
2:00pm – 3:30pm
Metabolic medicine/obesity
This session will discuss obesity and the rise in metabolic medicine.
If you’re attending in person:Dorchester library
3:30pm BST - Comfort break
3:45pm BST
3:45pm – 4:30pm
Closing keynote
The conference will close with a keynote from a leader in the medical profession.
If you’re attending in person:Wolfson theatre
Speaker(s): Professor Devi Sridhar
Professor Devi Sridhar
Professor Devi Sridhar
Chair of global public health, University of Edinburgh
Devi Sridhar is a professor in global public health at the University of Edinburgh Medical School. She is the founding director of the Global Health Governance Programme and holds a Wellcome Trust Investigator award. She was previously associate professor in global health politics and a fellow at Wolfson College, Oxford University, and a postdoctoral research fellow at All Souls College, Oxford University. Devi was also a visiting associate professor at LMU-Munich and guest lecturer at the Harvard School of Public Health and the Public Health Foundation of India. Her books include Preventable - How a pandemic changed the world and how to stop the next one (Penguin, 2022), Governing global health: who runs the world and why? (OUP, 2017) and The battle against hunger: choice, circumstance and the world bank (OUP, 2007). She has also published in Nature, Science, the New England Journal of Medicine, the Lancet and the British Medical Journal. Devi served on the board of Save the Children UK, on the World Economic Forum Council on the Health Industry and co-chaired the Harvard/LSHTM Independent Panel on the global response to Ebola. She holds a DPhil and MPhil from Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar and a B.S. from the University of Miami in the Honors Medical Programme. Her work is concentrated in three areas: international health organisations, financing of global public health, and developing better tools for priority-setting.
Professor Devi Sridhar Chair of global public health, University of Edinburgh
How we prevent future pandemics
5:00pm BST - End of conference
Our workshops and hands on sessions are an excellent opportunity for interactive learning. Bookings will open early October.
Workshops are non-clinical educational sessions. Facilitators can hold these as either small lectures or group discussions.
Hands on sessions focus on developing attendees’ key clinical skills. Facilitators often bring equipment that can be used to emulate real-life clinical situations.
Don’t forget, some of our workshops are CPD accredited. Certificates will be available to download shortly after the conference via the ‘CPD’ page.
Thursday 21 November
10:30am BST
10:30am – 11:30am
How to progress your career as an IMG (workshop)
This workshop will give you the opportunity to network, hear a variety of success stories, and equip you with valuable strategies to progress your medical career in the UK, you will leave with a personalised action plan supported by the RCP Education and Global teams.
11:45am BST
11:45am – 12:45pm
How to communicate difficult to teach topics in innovative ways (workshop)
This workshop will explore a range of different approaches to teaching difficult topics using innovative techniques.
2:30pm BST
2:30pm – 3:30pm
How to respond when things go wrong (workshop)
This workshop will provide an update on recent developments in patient safety reporting and learning, demonstrating how to respond to patient safety events using a clinical scenario. The session will also highlight the importance and benefits of patient involvement in patient safety learning.
3:45pm BST
3:45pm – 4:45pm
How to lead brilliant research as an NHS clinician (workshop)
Friday 22 November
9:15am BST
9:15am – 10:15am
How to engage with the RCPs global activities (workshop)
An introduction to RCP’s key global partnerships and projects, and exploration of the ways in which you can help us shape future global strategy.
10:30am BST
10:30am – 11:30am
How to prepare to be a new consultant (workshop)
This workshop will focus on the essentials you need to know about contracts, job planning, and preparing for your new role, with expert advice from the RCP Education team and the New Consultants’ Committee to support you in the transition to being a new consultant.
11:45am BST
11:45am – 12:45pm
How to manage multiple medications with the RCP acute care toolkit (workshop)
This session will promote the launch and implementation of the new RCP Acute Care Toolkit on polypharmacy, ‘Managing multiple medications: Acute Care Toolkit’. This session will provide key presentations on the clinical importance of managing polypharmacy, offer insights into effective education and training strategies, and discuss sustainable approaches and communication techniques for successful toolkit implementation. Attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of how to apply this toolkit to enhance patient care in acute settings.
2:30pm BST
2:30pm – 3:30pm
QI showcase (workshop)
This session will showcase the QI abstracts that have been shortlisted in the Med+ 2024 trainee abstract competition. The top 5 abstracts will be invited for oral presentation and a panel of QI experts will facilitate an open question and answer session.
Please encourage your trainees to submit their QI abstracts to the Med+ conference. Submissions close on Sunday 8 September.
Please note that any presentations shown at this event have been produced by the individual speakers. As such they are not owned by, and do not necessarily represent the views of, the RCP.
The Med+ abstract competition offers trainees an opportunity to showcase their research to healthcare professionals from around the globe.
This year, we accepted entries on the following topics:
Health services, policy and workforce development
Clinical, case reports, digital health
Research (including clinical, translational and innovation)
Education, training and medical professionalism
Quality improvement and patient safety, audit
Sustainability in health, health inequalities
Why enter?
By participating in the Med+ 2024 trainee abstract competition, you'll get the chance to:
have your work evaluated by a respected panel of leading clinicians
have your research showcased on the Med+ 2024 platform
be published in one of the RCP publishing streams.
Who can participate?
Medicine trainees at all levels, from both the UK and overseas.
Best poster and best presentation: each winner will receive £500, a 1-1 session with an RCP officer to help further develop your research, and a ticket (online or in-person) for Medicine 2025.
Runners up: each runner up will receive an online ticket for Medicine 2025.
If you are unable to attend some or all of the main programme sessions, they will be published on demand after the conference. You will be able to claim external clinical distance learning credits for any sessions you attend on demand. The certificate will become available to download after the conference.
Early release videos and workshops are accredited individually.
For advice regarding CPD accreditation for live and on demand learning, please refer to pages 7–8 of the CPD diary guideline or contact: cpd@rcp.ac.uk
Browse frequently asked questions below. Should you need further assistance, please click on the 'Ask for help' button in the menu.
Attending in person
We are sorry to hear you won’t be able to join us in-person. Your ticket still gives you access to the live and on-demand content online. If you still wish to change your booking, please refer to our Cancellation policydocument.
Med+ is a 2-day conference, and we do not offer tickets for single-day attendance. However, please note that after the event the content from both days will be available for on-demand viewing until 20 February 2025.
Sessions will be available to watch on demand until 20 February 2025. All tickets will give you full access to all content from the live event and our additional on-demand resources. Log in with the email address you used to register and visit the on-demand section of the platform. You will then be able to catch up on all sessions.
In each room, you will see a QR code. Scan this using the camera on your phone and it will take you to the question page. Here, you can submit questions to the panel for the Q&A.
We appreciate you taking the time to provide feedback as it allows us to develop and improve our conference offering.
In each room, you will see a QR code. Scan this using the camera on your phone and it will take you to the feedback page. Here, you can fill in the surveys for each session.
You can also visit the ‘Feedback’ page on the conference website at any time to access the surveys for sessions that have taken place.
Please make sure you’re logged into the platform to submit feedback.
Pre-bookings are required for workshops and tours. These sessions will become available to book from 1 March.
From this date, you will notice a ‘Book now’ button for sessions and activities that requires pre-booking. You can view and amend your bookings in ‘My bookings’ page.
Attending online
Med+ is a 2-day conference, and we do not offer tickets for single-day attendance. However, please note that after the event the content from both days will be available for on-demand viewing until 20 February 2025.
You will receive an email with the conference’s joining instruction one week prior to the event. However, please note that you don't need a special link to watch the live or on-demand content. Revisit this website, log in with your registered email and click on the ‘Watch now’ page to begin.
During the 2-day event, we will have a team available to assist you. You can start a live chat with the team via the ‘Ask for help’ button on our platform.
To receive the best Med+ 2024 experience, we recommend joining via desktop with one of the following web browsers: Chrome (last two versions), Edge (83 onward), Firefox (80 onward).
Using mobile? No problem! We recommend the following: Android Oreo (8.1) and later, IOS 12 and later – make sure you download the Google Chrome app and stream the conference through that.
First, try opening the webpage in Google Chrome – this is the recommended browser. You can download Chrome from the app store here for mobile devices or here for desktop devices.
If this doesn’t help, press the settings button on your video to find the quality of the stream which will automatically be on HD. Reduce the quality to 1080p or 720p.
If you miss any content due to buffering, don’t forget you can find it in the on-demand area later.
Underneath the video, you will see a ‘Submit a question’ button. Click this and enter your questions for the Q&A.
We appreciate you taking the time to provide feedback as it allows us to develop and improve our conference offering.
At the end of each session, a modal will pop up on screen with a survey for you to fill in.
You can also visit the ‘Feedback’ page at any time to access the surveys for sessions that have taken place.
Workshops are an ‘in person’ benefit and so, are not available to watch online.
If you have accessibility requirements, click the blue icon on the bottom left-hand corner of the website. Select your accessibility profile and the widget will adjust your screen to improve user experience.
Your CPD certificate can be downloaded via the ‘CPD’ tab on the event webpage at the end of the conference.
You will receive two certificates for Med+ 2024. One for watching the live conference (in person or online) and the other for your on-demand learning. The live element certificate will become available at the end of the conference and the on-demand certificate will become available when you have completed your online learning.
Visit the ‘CPD’ tab on the platform to view your certificates and download them.
Please note, you will have until 20 February 2025 to download your certificates.
Your CPD can be claimed via the CPD diary with the code provided on the CPD certificate.
Our address is: 11 St Andrews Pl, London NW1 4LE.
By foot
The building can only be accessed from the Outer Circle/Regents Park side. There is no public access from Albany Street or Peto Place.
By underground
The closest tube stations are Regent’s Park (4min – Bakerloo line), Great Portland Street (4min - Hammersmith & City, Circle and Metropolitan lines) and Warren Street (10min – Victoria and Northern lines).
By train
If you are travelling by train to the RCP, the nearest train stations are Euston (11 mins), Marylebone (20 mins) and King's Cross St Pancras International (25 mins). If you are arriving from King’s Cross St. Pancras, you can take the Hammersmith & City, Circle and Metropolitan line to Great Portland Street station.
By bike
The RCP provides external bike racks on the left of the main entrance. Please bring your own lock to secure your bike.
Please let a member of event staff know about any dietary requirements you haven’t already confirmed with us or included on your registration. Please be aware that due to the short notice, these requests cannot be guaranteed.
Yes, we offer cloakroom where you can keep your coats, bags, and suitcases for the day. The facility is free of charge.
Yes, the RCP guarantees step-free access to all levels and rooms within the venue.
Yes. Please contact the main reception during the day and they will be able to assist you.
The venue does not have a specific room dedicated to breastfeeding. However, please contact the main reception during the day, and they will do their best to find an available room to accommodate your needs.
All items found during the event are handed to the main reception. If you are still at the building, please do not hesitate to check with them. Alternatively, you can also contact them via email at reception@rcp.ac.uk.
Poster competition
You have until midnight on Sunday 8 September 2024 to submit an abstract.
Health services, policy and workforce development
Clinical, case reports, digital health
Research (including clinical, translational and innovation)
Education, training and medical professionalism
Quality improvement and patient safety, audit
Sustainability in health, health inequalities
To review and edit your abstracts, please log in using the username and password given to you in your submission confirmation email.
Best poster and best presentation: each winner will receive £500, a 1-1 session with an RCP officer to help further develop your research, and a ticket (online or in-person) for Medicine 2025.
Runners up: each runner up will receive an online ticket for Medicine 2025.
The posters submitted by the authors of shortlisted abstracts will be showcased on the Med+ 2024 website.
All shortlisted abstracts will be considered by the editorial teams of the Royal College of Physicians journals, to see if they offer scope for expanding into full journal articles for publication in one of our peer reviewed journals, Clinical Medicine and the Future Healthcare Journal.
Presenters will receive the presentation schedule via email closer to the event.
Each presenter will be given 3 minutes to present their poster, after which there will be a short amount of time allocated for questions from the judges.
The results of the poster competition will be announced during the networking reception on day 1 and subsequently on the Med+ 2024 platform.
Discounts are available on request for those on maternity/paternity leave and/or are LTFT.
LEDs are eligible for trainee rates. If the trainee rate is not available during the booking journey, please contact us so we can manually process your booking.
Please note that if you attend in person, your ticket also includes online access to the conference platform until 21 February 2025.
We are currently experiencing technical difficulties and are working to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.
Thank you for your patience.
We are delighted to offer Med+ 2024 as a hybrid conference, meaning you can attend at RCP at Regent's Park in London, or online.
Full address:
RCP at the Regent's Park, 11 St Andrews Place, London, NW1 4LE
+44 020 3075 1649
Submit a question
Select the session you would like to submit a question to, type in your question in the box below and press submit.
The panel will answer as many questions as they can after their presentations.