

We're working hard to develop this year's conference programme. Please come back soon to see more.

The programme is being designed by physician associates to guide, support and empower fellow PAs in their practice.

Please note that session times and speakers will be subject to change. Each programme is unique to its venue however all conference delegates (whether attending in-person or online) will gain access to all of the sessions on demand for 90 days post-broadcast. 

Up to 22 credits can be claimed after watching the conference content. The number of credits each session is worth will be seen below the talk description.

Please note, all speakers' views are their own. We are committed to audio captioning and captions will be available on each video post-broadcast, on demand. However, please be aware that in some instances these will be auto-generated. 

9:15am - Welcome
9.25am - 10.05am

Emergency medicine

If you're attending in person:
Wolfson lecture theatre
10.05am - 10.45am

Cardiology cases

If you're attending in person:
Wolfson lecture theatre
11:00am - Morning comfort break (30 minutes)
11.30am - 12.10pm

Dermatology for different skin tones

If you're attending in person:
Wolfson lecture theatre
11.30am - 12.10pm

Ear, nose and throat medicine

If you're attending in person:
Seligman lecture theatre
12.15pm - 1.00pm

The key red flags and common presentations in pregnancy

If you're attending in person:
Wolfson lecture theatre
12.15pm - 1.00pm


If you're attending in person:
Seligman lecture theatre
1:00pm - Lunch break (1 hour)
2.00pm - 2.40pm

Burns: a whistlestop tour

If you're attending in person:
Wolfson lecture theatre
2.00pm - 2.40pm

Topic to be announced

If you're attending in person:
Seligman lecture theatre
2.45pm - 3.30pm

Respiratory medicine

If you're attending in person:
Wolfson lecture theatre
2.45pm - 3.30pm

Palliative care – communication skills

If you're attending in person:
Seligman lecture theatre
3:30pm - Afternoon comfort break (30 minutes)
4.00pm - 4.45pm

Research in virtual reality

If you're attending in person:
Wolfson lecture theatre
4:45pm - Closing comments
Please note that any presentations shown at this event have been produced by the individual speakers. As such they are not owned by, and do not necessarily represent the views of, the RCP.
9:15am - Welcome
9.25am - 10.05am

Musculoskeletal health

If you're attending in person
Space 1 and 2 
10.05am - 10.45am

Topic to be announced

If you're attending in person
Space 1 and 2 
11:00am - Morning comfort break (30 minutes)
11.30am - 12.10pm

Acute leukaemia

If you're attending in person
Space 1 and 2 
11.30am - 12.10pm


If you're attending in person
Spaces 6-9 
12.15pm - 1.00pm

Front door gastroenterology – decompensated liver disease

If you're attending in person
Space 1 and 2 
12.15pm - 1.00pm

Surgery for PAs

If you're attending in person
Spaces 6-9 
1:00pm - Lunch break (1 hour)
2.00pm - 2.40pm

Geriatric medicine

If you're attending in person
Space 1 and 2 
2.00pm - 2.40pm


If you're attending in person
Spaces 6-9 
2.45pm - 3.30pm

Topic to be announced

If you're attending in person
Space 1 and 2 
2.45pm - 3.30pm


If you're attending in person
Spaces 6-9 
3:30pm - Afternoon comfort break (30 minutes)
4.00pm - 4.45pm

Topic to be announced

If you're attending in person
Space 1 and 2 
4:45pm - Closing comments
Please note that any presentations shown at this event have been produced by the individual speakers. As such they are not owned by, and do not necessarily represent the views of, the RCP.