We've worked hard to develop this year's conference programme which covered all 18 areas of clinical practice. Please scroll down to see the speakers and topics being covered at each site and the early release bonus content available.
Each programme was unique to its venue however all conference delegates (whether attending in-person or online) gain access to all of the sessions on demand for 90+ days post-broadcast (until Monday 31 March 2025).
Up to 22 credits can be claimed after watching the conference content. The number of credits each session is worth can be seen below the talk description. In order to claim the maximum CPD, you are required to watch all the programmed content from both locations and two of our credited early release content (pain in babies and renal medicine). You should accurately record CPD for the sessions you attended in-person or watched online.
Please note, all speakers' views are their own. We are committed to audio captioning and captions will be available on each video post-broadcast, on demand. However, please be aware that in some instances these will be auto-generated.
Physician associates in respiratory medicine
If you're attending in person:
Wolfson lecture theatre
1 CPD credit
Physician associate, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board, Older Adult Psychiatry
Respiratory and general medicine registrar, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board
Thieves market
If you're attending in person:
Wolfson lecture theatre
1 CPD credit
Physician associate, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board, Older Adult Psychiatry
Consultant geriatrician, East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
FPA poster competition winning presentation
If you're attending in person:
Wolfson lecture theatre
Research physician associate, Alder Hey Children's NHS Foundation Trust
Physician associate in acute medicine and clinical teaching PA, The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust
Physician associate in gynaecology and clinical teaching PA, The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust
Dermatology for darker skin tones
If you're attending in person:
Wolfson lecture theatre
1 CPD credit
Senior lecturer in physician associate studies, St George’s University of London
Consultant dermatologist, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust; co-founder of Skin of Colour Training UK
Potential roles for physician associates in ENT
If you're attending in person:
Seligman lecture theatre
1 CPD credit
Lecturer in clinical education (Physician Associate Studies)
Consultant ENT surgeon, St George's NHS Foundation Trust
The key red flags and common presentations in pregnancy
If you're attending in person:
Wolfson lecture theatre
1 CPD credit
Research physician associate, Alder Hey Children's NHS Foundation Trust
Obstetric physician, Guys and St Thomas’ Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
If you're attending in person:
Seligman lecture theatre
1 CPD credit
Lecturer in clinical education (Physician Associate Studies)
Physician associate in endocrine and lead PA, Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust
The venlafaxine, menopause, and IHD case
If you're attending in person:
Wolfson lecture theatre
1 CPD credit
Research physician associate, Alder Hey Children's NHS Foundation Trust
Senior lecturer in physician associate studies, St George’s University of London
Burns: a whistlestop tour
If you're attending in person:
Seligman lecture theatre
1 CPD credit
Lecturer in clinical education (Physician Associate Studies)
Advanced clinical practitioner and advanced practice lead, Queen Victoria Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
CPR, how do we do the simple things well?
If you're attending in person:
Wolfson lecture theatre
1 CPD credit
Research physician associate, Alder Hey Children's NHS Foundation Trust
Tactical response paramedic, London Ambulance Service NHS Trust
Effective communication in palliative care
If you're attending in person:
Seligman lecture theatre
1 CPD credit
Physician associate, Springfield Hospital, South West London and St George’s Mental Health Trust
Head of education, Princess Alice Hospice
Palliative care specialty registrar, Princess Alice Hospice
Virtual reality in psychiatry
If you're attending in person:
Wolfson lecture theatre
1 CPD credit
Physician associate, Springfield Hospital, South West London and St George’s Mental Health Trust
Consultant psychiatrist and reader in psychiatry, South West London and St George’s Mental Health NHS Trust
Syphilis: the rise of the 'great mimicker' in Wales and the consequences of late diagnoses
If you're attending in person
Spaces 1 and 2 Floor 13
1 CPD credit
Physician associate, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board, Older Adult Psychiatry
Lead PA, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board
LGBTQ+ healthcare in adults
If you're attending in person
Space 1 and 2 Floor 13
1 CPD credit
Physician associate, Scotland representative, FPA devolved nations board
PA in general practice
Acute leukaemia
If you're attending in person
Space 1 and 2 Floor 13
1 CPD credit
Associate professor in physician associate studies
Haematology consultant, University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire
Management of recurring UTIs in 2024
If you're attending in person
Spaces 8-9 Floor 12
1 CPD credit
Physician associate, Scotland representative, FPA devolved nations board
Senior lecturer, St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust; PA director for the South East
Front door gastroenterology – decompensated liver disease
If you're attending in person
Space 1 and 2 Floor 13
1 CPD credit
Associate professor in physician associate studies
Lead physician associate, Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust
If you're attending in person
Space 1 and 2 Floor 13
1 CPD credit
Physician associate, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board, Older Adult Psychiatry
Consultant in general internal medicine and geriatrics, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board
Orthopaedic emergencies: it's more than just a fracture
If you're attending in person
Spaces 8-9 Floor 12
1 CPD credit
Physician associate, Springfield Hospital, South West London and St George’s Mental Health Trust
Trauma and orthopaedic PA, PA lead for education, Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust
Epilepsy: keeping patients alive
If you're attending in person
Space 1 and 2 Floor 13
1 CPD credit
Physician associate, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board, Older Adult Psychiatry
Consultant neurologist and epileptologist, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board
The role of the physician associate in ophthalmology
If you're attending in person
Space 8-9 Floor 12
1 CPD credit
Associate professor in physician associate studies
Consultant ophthalmologist, Mid-Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Physician associate
Immunotherapy toxicities
Space 1 and 2 Floor 13
1 CPD credit
Physician associate, Springfield Hospital, South West London and St George’s Mental Health Trust
Consultant in medical oncology, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust
Can babies remember pain?
1/2 CPD credit
Paediatric physician associate, Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Renal medicine
1/2 CPD credit
Senior censor and vice president for education and training; acting as president, Royal College of Physicians; consultant nephrologist, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust
Roles and adoption of medical associate professionals (ROADMAP)
Whist this video is not verifiable CPD, you can self-certify this content and record it on your ePortfolio.
Research Fellow, University of Oxford
Postdoctoral research scientist, University of Oxford
Assistant professor in primary & community care, University of Cambridge