
Poster competition

Poster competition

The annual FPA poster competition is back! We received a record number of submissions last year, proving that physician associates are continuing to become more involved in the field of research.

This year, we’re pleased to welcome abstract submissions from both qualified FPA members and student members. Individual and group abstract submissions will be considered and can be related to the following topics:

·       research studies

·       audits and quality improvement

·       clinical practice and education

·       patient care

·       mental health and wellbeing

·       workforce.

The FPA Research Committee encourages FPA members who have conducted a piece of research, are in the process of a project or have an idea to begin a project, to get involved. Student PAs are welcome to submit their dissertation studies to the research competition.

Those delegates interested in submitting an abstract are invited to download and review the abstract formatting guidelines prior to completing the abstract submission form. The deadline for abstract submissions is 31 July.

Successful delegates will be notified by 19 August and invited to submit a poster. The deadline for successful applicants to submit their final posters will be 30 September.  


There will be one overall winner, who will be offered the opportunity to present their poster and research project at a conference venue of their choice. All candidates are required to specify the conference venue suitable to them at the time of submission. A printed certificate and award will be presented to the overall winner.

Three highly commended submissions will receive a printed certificate and have their poster displayed within the conference venues.

All shortlisted posters will be made available on the conference platform for all delegates to explore.

Judging panel

The FPA Research Committee will judge the poster competition. The overall winner and highly commended candidates will be notified of their success by mid-October. The winners will then be announced live at the FPA conference.